Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Chardonnay Fields

Chardonnay Fields, oil on gessobord, 5x7"

I needed a little change of pace from the cattails and reeds, even though they are fun to paint and require a lot of thought on my part.  So what better subject matter to explore than a vineyard. The title actually refers more to the color of the vines rather than the varietal. And they looked like parallel roller coasters. 

Monday, March 30, 2015


Crooked, oil on gessobord, 5x7"

This is painted from an intense zoom of a photo, of the plant life lining the water's edge of Lake Nevin at Bernheim. The crooked reeds drew my eye to them over the cattails I have been painting.  I worked with four colors which made it challenging and fun.

Friday, March 27, 2015


Celebration, oil on canvas 9x 12"

The background turned out just the way I wanted it too on this painting. So for this, I am entitling it "Celebration"!!

Thursday, March 26, 2015


Crowded, oil on gessobord, 6x6"

I attempted over the weekend to paint outside. Or I guess you could say, I DID paint outside for over 2 hours, took what home what I worked on to try and tweak them in my studio. Not satisfied with the results, I wiped the paintings away with turp and tried to get on with the rest of my day. 
At midnight I was frustrated that I had not "accomplished" anything so I went back to painting.  What resulted was two relatively loose and quick sketches. I used a limited palette and zoomed in to a tiny portion of a photo I had taken on site. This made it a bit blurry which helped in the end to paint quickly. And that is the end of the story.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015


Composed, Oil on Canvas, 14"x18"

When I was researching a bit about cattails, I discovered that the majority of the plant is edible, and Native Americans used them for food and in their basket weaving. The one thing that is constant is they are always found near water. That's probably the reason why I have always loved them and have become enamored with painting them. 

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Close up

Close Up, oil on gessobord, 6x8"

I have so many pictures of these lake banks to choose from so I guess I will have to paint them all until I am able to get outside more. Each cattail paintings I have and am working on, even though different, is allowing me to work on several things:  
1) more abstraction
2) more gestural painting (perfect subject matter for this)
3) the push/pull of background vs. foreground

One thing in particular in regards to #3, that is allowing me to stay fresh with the subject matter, is the darker foreground colors of nature vs. the lighter, pastel, and often stark white of the background.  I am having to work very hard not to make everything the same value, which, unfortunately is easily done, and causes everything to appear washed out.  Adding the right amount of contrast (which is always there in nature even if you don't see it at first glance) is taking extra effort and thought. I am lingering longer at what I think is a finished painting, and then working more.

Monday, March 23, 2015

Snow Multipaths

Snow Multipaths, oil on gessobord, 6x6"

Here is one more from the now thawed snow.  This was such a dreary rainy day; the snow's "pretty" stage was well past. But, in the monochromatic image that I worked from, there was beautiful color in the tracks (if you looked really hard, and squinted) as well as the left over fall leaves that refused to leave their home. I don't blame them....the view is always better from above :-)

Friday, March 20, 2015

Cattails 2

Cattails 2, oil on canvas, 10x20"

Another day of fun, loose and colorful painting. AND it's on canvas :-)  AND it's bigger :-) :-). Tell me what you think....I think I am onto a new series.

Thursday, March 19, 2015


Cattails, oil on gessobord, 6x8"

I was able to do some hiking over the weekend and took some photos around the squishy borders of lake Nevin at Bernheim.  I didn't take my gear with me to paint, because I knew the ground would be severely saturated from the snow melt. I did focus on some beautiful close-ups of cattails, one of my favorite plants. I love them because when they open, their little wispy fluffs set free by the wind.  These were so fun to paint as well. They definitely kept me loose and from getting into "detail-itis".

Wednesday, March 18, 2015


Chards, oil on gessobord, 6x6"

During the snow, which made me equal parts invigorated and sleepy, I enjoyed working on quicker sketches of landscapes and all the changes that came with viewing them, when they are covered in snow.  While on a normal day, my eyes are automatically drawn to stronger geometry or forms, but with snow landscapes things seem willowy and lithe. These shadows didn't quite turn out as light as I wanted, but willowy?, yes.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Sènanque Abbey, Provence

Sènanque Abbey, Provence, oil on gessobord, 6x8"

My sister in Hawaii, asked me to add to her collection of my paintings, by painting the lavender fields in Provence.  She had visited the region on her farewell of Europe tour last summer before moving back to the states. So this resulted  from that conversation.. L'Abbaye de Sènanque, surrounded by the gentle hills.  She provided me with photos of different views of the lavender fields, and I finally settled on this one for a balanced composition. The lavender fields are striking in each one. 

Monday, March 16, 2015

Sketch, Beargrass creek through Cherokee Park

Sketch, Beargrass creek through Cherokee Park
oil on gessobord, 6x6"

I'm glad to be back up and running after over a week off due to computer problems.  I had a hard time trying to continue without what has become a necessary vice in today's world. Other than needing my computer daily for my 8-5 daily job, I lamented daily that I didn't have it for posting. I mean, what good is a painting if no one sees it :-)
This little painting comes straight from working en plein air during the snow. I was in an extremely peaceful spot where none even saw me. That was a nice feeling, and had I brought a stool to take a few breaks with, I would have been there all day. Now that I have officially broken in my outdoor gear for the new year, I have an itch to get out frequently. And with the days getting are getting longer so I may actually have more of an opportunity to do so after work.

Friday, March 6, 2015


Vacant, oil on gessobord, 9x12"

Done on an extremely cold day, when I seemed to be channelling Cezanne.  Would love to paint en plain air but it's 5 degrees! This is a 9x12", larger than I normally paint. I am offering it for $250

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Winter's Peaceful Energy

Winter's Peaceful Energy, oil on gessobord, 6"x6"

Snow on the ground, snow in the sky and more to come today.  I will never get tired though, of the peace that comes from a beautiful snowfall. I tried convey this with "Winter's Peaceful Energy".

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Snow Tracks in the Alley

Snow Tracks in the Alley, oil on gessobord, 5x7"

The winter has been hard, long, gray but it has given me a lot of ideas and photos to hopefully paint from until spring rears it's beautiful head.  There are two old garages across the alley from my own old garage. On one pitifully gray, snow falling day, they gave me a nice jolt of color when I was taking the garbage out.

Monday, March 2, 2015

Blue Bird

"Blue Bird", oil on gessobord, 6x6"

Blue birds are good for your garden because they eat a variety of insects that could be harmful to growing plants.  The males are brilliant blue with a warm brown underbelly, and the females less colorful other than their reddish necks.  They love to perch on above-ground wires and telephone poles scouting out insects below. 
I have been attempting to paint the bird series, as I've been gaining momentum, with as few brushstrokes as possible. This has helped sharpen my focus, simplifying my palette and streamline my brushstrokes. I don't think the paintings are taking less time due to focus, simplifying and streamlining, because even though I'm not physically painting as much, my brain is working harder :-)
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