Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Green Cove

Green Cove, oil on gessobord, 10x10"

Since I finished the Strada Easel 31/31 challenge 12 days ago, I have only worked on some studies, and I have been researching and looking at many artists that are new to me. My goal, stated many times over the past year has been to lean towards abstraction. And, even though it hasn't left my thoughts, I don't feel like I have accomplished this to my satisfaction.  Today's painting DOES do that and for that, I am very happy!  I bought a broad wash brush recently and used it for the first time today. It immediately felt right, and I started painting what has been locked in my head for months.  This little scene is from a cove at Lake Cumberland, painted from a photo that I took at the end of summer.  I guess I should thank Strada easel for the huge push that got me to this stage!

Fishing Lake, Parklands

Fishing Lake, Parklands, oil on mounted canvas, 10x8"

The Parklands in Louisville, is an incredible experience of newly acquired  land that borders one of the main, long creeks in the east-end of the county. Formerly sections of private land, it took nearly 15 years to piece together, and develop into a linear park, about 10-15 miles long. It includes waterfalls, small palisades, deep forest, areas for mountain and road bikes, long canoe or kayak passages, wildlife viewing, hiking, hiking and more hiking. My kind of place. Here is an unnamed fishing lake near one of the higher vistas. It had many small boulders on its outer banks that shown in the sun this particular day.
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