Friday, December 8, 2017

Tobacco Storage

Tobacco Storage 
Oil on gessobord, 8x10"

Here is the third of three paintings done last week at Camp Nelson, in Kentucky. The wheat field I was overlooking was full of incredible color that changed with the light. The barn at the top of the hill is what drew my attention. It was a weathered grey, but in the light of the day, and against the brilliant wheat field color it was almost periwinkle. The sky was a similar color so the two blended together effortlessly.

One Tree Hill, France

"One Tree Hill, France"
Oil on gessobord, 8x10"

When I received this photo from my sister, who often visits France's vineyards, I loved the ancient stone structure and neatly tended rows of grapes. However, I was really drawn to the single tree waving in the wind. While it was overshadowed in a landscape of beauty, it became my focal point. When I search vast fields for my own composition, my eyes are often drawn to a single object. And often, it too, gets lost in a field of beauty.


Oil on panel

This was a do-over of a painting I started last week while the weather was warm, and I was painting outside. I took it down to my studio this morning and redid just about everything other than the composition. A recent trip to Maker’s Mark distillery provided me with the photo reference, Wolf Kahn provided the color palette inspiration, Gamblin supplied me with paint and the rest is history.


Oil on panel, 14x11”

It’s been a while since I worked on a series of any kind. I’m not sure if this second painting, with photo references from Makers Mark in Loretto, KY will evolve into one, but it seems to be leading me in that direction.

Maker's Barn

Makers Barn, oil on panel, 11x14”

Some days are diamonds. Some days are shinier diamonds. Sometimes I have to start over after a wiper in order to create a painting to my liking. This is one of them.

Season's Overgrowth

Season's Overgrowth, oil on panel, 10x8"

Not anything to blog about with this painting, other than it is a great way to start my morning off with.

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