Monday, November 30, 2015


Roundabout, oil on gessobord, 5x14"

The day after Thanksgiving provided me with the perfect weather and opportunity to paint outside. There is no better gift I can give myself.  This is a diptych of two 5x7" paintings.  The lake at Bernheim had some beautiful grey pockets of light floating around while I worked.  The background reeds and feathery plants hugging the far shore were made up of beautiful golden slivers.

Sunday, November 22, 2015

Fall's Energy

Fall's Energy, oil on gessobord, 12x12"

I started "Fall's Energy" over two weeks ago, and returned to  it today.  I feel quite rusty because, in these two weeks, I haven't painted anything else at all. 
"Fall's Energy" is a scene of just from every direction.  Color, lines, and composition all converging to form this energetic painting.  Which is funny, because as of this writing, I have no energy.

 I've been very busy lately with preparations.  I participated in a wonderful event Friday, called An Evening with the Arts, in a small town right outside of Louisville.  The event featured local artists displaying their work, prior to a lovely performance by Louisville Orchestra. My youngest daughter Barrett was my helper that night. She plays for the Louisville youth orchestra, so that was her common denominator.  The last two weeks I've spent cataloguing the work I took with me to display (75 paintings), constructing hand-made frames, varnishing, framing, wiring....all that stuff. It left me tired, but satisfied when it was over. 
I talked to a lot of interesting folks that night. And I am now  prepared for a solo show I've been granted for the month of January. More on that later.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Cattails 3

Cattails 3, oil on gessobord, 8x10"

Cattails 3, oil on gessobord, 8x10"
Here is a painting I did last week. I love painting cattails, and I had taken this photo reference the last time I was at my favorite Nature Preserve. The light was bright and the water was actually the star of the show this particular day.
In other news, I found a vintage camper, drove 5 hours to South Bend, IN then drove it home to Louisville this weekend. Yesterday, I spent the day tearing out replaced ceiling paneling that was hiding a lot of previous water damage, and found more work then I ever imagined (mold, rotting everything), BUT I got it, and am extremely excited over it's potential for my mobile gallery/studio, ARTwheels. 
My gofundme account is still very much active and seeking donations from all you wonderful people, the money now directed towards the unanticipated, complete renovation that this camper lovingly needs. Here's the link, and thank you to all of those wonderful folks who have contributed already. It is because of you this dream is coming to fruition!!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Red on Green

"Red on green"
oil on gessoed board

Sometime when you fall into a ballpit of lemons, you do come face-to-face with the one lemon that will give you a pitcher of lemonade (after you add the water and sugar).  Or whatever that expression is.  I painted last night to the point of an extreme headache, and overwhelming fibromyalgic pain, without finishing what I set out to do. This morning, nature awoke me at 5 (not unusual), so that I could go back into the studio to feel accomplished before heading into work. This is fresh off the easel and not the best photo of it. Still I'm excited about this painting. What say ye?

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