Parklands #5, oil on Arches paper, 16x12"
I had a lot of trouble with this painting all the way around. I don't know if it was the combination of the inorganic and the organic, which the other paintings in the Parklands series don't have, or that I was rusty. I will chalk it up to both at this point. I don't like getting rusty but it happens. I had two different versions of this painting prior to going back in and re-doing the whole thing. The alternative would have been to scrub it. I eventually gathered my long, lost focus and reworked it. I re-sketched the entire composition, resized it all, and tried to squint at my photo to see and compose larger shapes. I did a lot of overpainting on what remained of the other versions. One good thing about the oil paper that I have been using is it is very rag-like and absorbent, so there is no way to ever get a clean slate. It makes me rethink what color palette I will use henceforth, thus making "take two" more interesting all the way around.
Such Yummy colors