Bernheim in Winter, oil on gessoed watercolor paper, 6x9"
OH Happy New Year! On top of everything that I have going on (it's great to be busy), I have decided to enter another 30 paintings in 30 days challenge. I am going to paint, unless otherwise noted, on gessoed watercolor paper. It is an interesting and less expensive surface to paint on during the challenge. I may not paint all thirty but the spirit is willing. With preparing for an exhibit, a show, making frames and working on the ARTwheels Mobile studio/gallery camper, I have had little time or energy to paint. So I wanted to start this new year off with a reminder for myself that I can do it ALL!!
Yesterday, Hugh and I delivered many boxes to the Polvino Art Center in Nicholasville, KY for my solo show that will open January 8. The opening is from 5-8 and I would love to see all your smiling faces there!
After we left the gallery we walked around historic Nicholasville. Nicholasville is close to Danville, KY where I attended college, and way back when, it was know as the place where the college students went "over the hill" ...a.k.a - went to buy booze. How different it looks in the daytime!! :-)
We spent some time in an antique shop and had a lot of fun looking at elements of history. I bought a fedora, and a beer stein (speaking of booze) from my favorite city in all of Europe.
ReplyDeleteDo sprinkling and immersion both signify water baptism? No, they do not.
EXAMPLE: Mark 16:16 "He who believes and is baptized will be saved...(NKJV)
The word baptized use in Mark 16:16 is a transliteration from Greek to English. A transliteration means, to represent (letters or words) in the corresponding characters of another alphabet.
To translate from Greek to English means to transfer the definition of the word from Greek to English.
The word baptized in Mark 16:16 is not a translated word, it is a transliteration.
If all of the words in Mark 16:16 were translated from Greek to English, it would read, "He who has believed, and has been immersed, will be saved..."
Men decided sprinkling could be a substitute for immersion if for some reason immersion was not possible or was inconvenient. It was subsequently adopted by many believers in Christ as being the equivalent of water immersion.
If men have the authority to change immersion to sprinkling, they would have the authority to change sprinkling water to sprinkling wine, sprinkling milk, sprinkling coffee or sprinkling dirt.
Proverbs 14:12 There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.(NKJV)
Matthew 15:9 And in vain do they worship Me, Teaching for doctrines the commandments of Men." (NKJV)
The translation, Mark 16:16......and has been immersed, will be saved...
The transliteration, Mark 16:16 .....and has been baptized, will be saved.....