Saturday, January 23, 2016


Flatland, oil on Arches oil paper, 12"x16"

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Celia Kelly Studio

I should entitle this one Falling Clouds.  And, I should be painting scenes of snowmagedan, but I just haven't been able to do that yet.  I should also note that the photos I have taken of my pieces lately have not been the best representation of the works, but it has been too cold to photograph them outside in subdued light. So, no matter how I try there always seems to be bits of uncontrollable glare. 

1 comment:

  1. Celia, I like your work--it's the kind of abstract/impressionist painting that I'm striving for. It's encouraging to me that you're using oils, as am I. Most abstracts seem to be done with acrylic. Thanks for the inspiration--I've signed up to follow your blog.


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