Sunday, January 10, 2016


Unoccupied, oil on gessoed watercolor paper, 6x9"

Day 10, 30 paintings/30 days

please follow my "Celia Kelly Studio" Facebook page 

I am 1/3 of the way done with the challenge and I must say, compared to the challenge I did at this time last year, I am truly enjoying it!!  Last year, I had the best intentions but shortly after the it started, I realized I was not enjoying myself.  I do think what I produced was quality work, but I was too concerned about getting a painting done for posting purposes rather then enjoying the challenge of improving my painting or stretching myself artistically.
This year, I have so much more going on in my busy schedule, but I am finding the time for thought and effort  with each painting I am doing.

1 comment:

  1. I too am enjoying the challenge this time around. Beautiful painting! I love your color choices.


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